What We Do
Strategic Impact Areas

Downtown as a Destination
Downtown Canandaigua is a cultural hub for the City, the Town, and the surrounding Finger Lakes region. Our work will advance and celebrate efforts that draw people Downtown.
Job Creation, Retention, and Expansion
The people of Canandaigua are the lifeblood of our community. Our work will support initiatives that provide people with meaningful work opportunities, and a reason to stay here.
Connect Downtown to the Lake
Canandaigua Lake makes our community special, defining a unique ecological setting and affording unparalleled recreational and cultural experiences. Our work will strengthen physical and cultural connections between Canandaigua’s Downtown and the Lake.
2020-2021 Strategic Initiatives
Our Impact Areas
Job Creation, Retention, & Expansion
Connect Downtown to the Lake
Our Role
Convene Advise
Create Administer
on Main
Identify an opportunity to create a multipurpose community space in the heart of Downtown through streetscape enhancement and activation.
The CLDC provided financial support for the Canandaigua Business Improvement District’s Central on Main project, a pop-up beer and wine garden. In 2020, the Central on Main concept was piloted on a City-owned parking lot to serve as both a community gathering space and a communal dining area for Downtown restaurants. The CLDC is actively identifying funding resources to support a permanent installation of Central on Main, and will support the project’s implementation.
Ground Floor Activation
Develop a strategy to activate vacant ground floor units Downtown.
The CLDC completed a market study [ LINK ] and multiple surveys to identify key development opportunities and inform: strategies to activate Downtown’s vacant ground floor units. The CLDC will craft a ground floor activation strategy that responds to the needs identified through these efforts, and pursue implementation resources.
Ready Sites
Develop and allocate resources to prepare and promote market-ready buildings and sites for business recruitment within the City and Town.
The CLDC completed a preliminary evaluation of sites throughout Canandaigua to identify key assets and opportunities. The CLDC has also initiated a zoning audit to understand how the City andTown’s existing land use regulations either support or hinder the types of industrial and commercial development Canandaigua hopes to facilitate.
Residential Development
Increase residential opportunities in Downtown’s upper stories.
Informed by the opportunities highlighted in the market study, the CLDC completed a preliminary inventory of downtown sites appropriate for residential development. The City of Canandaigua is actively advancing a feasibility study, funded through a New York Main Street Technical Assistance grant, to assess renovation needs for select downtown buildings. In anticipation of this study's completion, the CLDC is proactively working to identify funding resources for building renovations. The CLDC prepared and submitted an application to the New York Main Street (NYMS) program seeking funds for building renovations, as recommended by the NYMS Technical Assistance grant, to enable residential development. In parallel, the CLDC will work with key stakeholders to refine and prioritize the site evaluation and identify resources and opportunities for development. The CLDC will finalize the zoning audit and make recommendations for potential zoning amendments, as appropriate.
Lakefront Connectivity
Create an action plan to connect the lakefront to downtown and establish improved safety and accessibility.
The CLDC is providing financial support for the City’s effort to develop a multi-modal, active transportation plan for the transportation network flanking the north shore of Canandaigua Lake, including Main Street (Route 332) and its intersection with State Route 5 & 20. The plan will include recommendations for enhanced connectivity, efficiency, safety, and accessibility with a key focus on pedestrians and cyclists. The CLDC Board of Directors serves as a key constituency on the project steering committee.
Canandaigua Beverage Trail
Support development and promotion of a collaborative marketing effort for Canandaigua’s craft-beverage industry.
With a sizable concentration of breweries, wineries, and cideries within City and Town limits, this initiative presents a unique opportunity to support Canandaigua’s local craft beverage industry as well as the agricultural community it relies upon. The CLDC is convening industry key stakeholders to outline program parameters and identify marketing needs and brand alliance opportunities.
Virtual Canandaigua
Provide technical assistance and resources for businesses to leverage digital marketing and e-commerce platforms. Connect and engage consumers with local businesses through digital marketing.
The CLDC convened a working group with the Executive Directors of the Canandaigua Business Improvement District and the Chamber of Commerce to define business needs. In 2021, in partnership with the BID and the Chamber of Commerce, the CLDC will facilitate program and content development for launch.
Pinnacle North Development
Facilitate continued development of Pinnacle North and related sites.
Pinnacle North, a mixed-use development on the north shore of Canandaigua Lake, is a phased project that’s transforming a 21-acre lakefront parcel previously plagued by environmental contamination issues into a high-density neighborhood with waterfront outdoor space, new restaurants, and retail. The capital raise for future phases 2-5 is underway. The CLDC has engaged with the project team to brainstorm potential funding strategies to facilitate the development of future phases.
Labelon Redevelopment
Facilitate continued development of 10 Chapin Street as a mixed-use project.
A committed developer seeks to advance an adaptive reuse mixed-use development at the former industrial site at 10 Chapin Street. Developers have been challenged by restrictions outlined in the property deed, dating back to original land grants for Canandaigua’s public square. The CLDC has engaged the City and County to brainstorm creative ideas to address the parameters of the deed restriction while maximizing project ROI in order for the development to move forward.

Annual Report
Click the link below to download our annual report.